Introducing floatz AI
Your compass in a sea of knowledge
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Trusted by researchers and students at
Universitätsspital Zürich
ETH Zürich
Paul Scherrer Institut
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Answer Scientific Questions
Discover information across and within papers, no matter how specific your questions are. floatz makes your search quicker and hooks you up with the latest info.
Create Your Workspace
Add papers that capture your interest to your personalized libraries with a simple click. This makes it easy to consistently review your most important documents.
Search Across & Within Papers
Download, print or even share your findings with friends or colleagues. Searching within papers allows you to be even more specific in your journey.
Why floatz AI?
Our database is always up-to-date and only shows you papers that actually exist
200M+ Papers
With an extensive library of over 200M papers, we cover a vast range of topics to support comprehensive research and learning.
Latest Research
We keep our database up-to-date and all your searches are linked to actual research papers.
🇨🇭 Data Stored in Switzerland
Our servers are based in Switzerland and your search and personal data are protected by Swiss law.
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Reclaim precious time for groundbreaking discoveries.
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